SWO Constitution Revision Committee

The purpose of the Constitution Revision Committee is to uphold the Revised Constitution and By-Laws of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate and its Articles as approved by the members of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate. It is the goal of the Committee to ensure the Amendment process is a fair process allowing members of the Tribe the ability to propose Constitutional Amendments for the betterment of the Tribe.


Constitutional Revision Committee Members


Chairman/Ex-Officio: Dallas Owen

Vice-Chairwoman: Natalie Anderson – Enemy Swim District Representative

Secretary: Viva DuBois – Big Coulee District Representative

Shaun Eastman – Buffalo Lake District Representative

Vacant – Old Agency District Representative

Stephanie Wallace – Long Hollow District Representative

Marie Renville – Heipa District Representative

Ashley German – Lake Traverse District Representative

Amendment Request Form – 10.23.23

CRC Timeline 2023-2024